Privacy policy

Through this privacy policy Gramola Lab wishes to inform all people who browse and access the website about the processing of personal data carried out.

Access to the website does not require prior registration. In any case, the User with his navigation fully accepts this privacy policy and cookies policy.

Before sending any request for information through the contact form on this website, the user must accept the privacy policy, in order to give express and informed consent for the treatment of the data for the purposes indicated.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and in the alternative on regulated, Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, approving the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data of Gramola Lab informs you:

Basic information on Data Protection


Aïda Casanovas Fontanillas – Gramola Lab


Carrer de l’Acer 45-47 – 08915 Badalona (Barcelona).

Purpose and conservation of data

Gramola Lab will process the data of the Users according to the following purposes:

1. Manage the use of the functionalities made available through the Website.

The data processed for this purpose will be kept as long as the contractual and / or business relationship between the User and Gramola Lab is maintained. In the event that the requests made by a user do not maintain a contractual relationship, the data will be kept until this request has been resolved.

2. Keep users informed through commercial communications about Gramola Lab services and news. The User will only receive commercial communications in the event of acceptance, by checking the corresponding box. This data will only be processed until the User withdraws his consent or exercises the right of opposition.


The processing of this data is legitimized by:

1. Execution of contractual and / or business obligations.

2. Consent of the interested party for the sending of applications, inclusion in the selection process or receipt of commercial communications.


User data will not be passed on to third parties except as required by law.


At any time the User may exercise his rights of access, rectification, opposition and deletion of the data free of charge, as well as the other rights regulated in Regulation (EU) 679/2016, ie the right to portability and limitation of the treatment, by means of a letter accompanied by a copy of the DNI or a valid document that identifies it, to the address Carrer de l'Acer 45-47 - 08915 Badalona (Barcelona) (Ref. “Data Protection” ), or to the following email address

Gramola Lab informs the User that, if he deems it appropriate, he has the right to submit a complaint to the corresponding control authority.

Is it mandatory to provide all the information requested in the contact section?

As for the forms on the Website, the User must fill in the ones marked as "required". Failure to complete the required personal data or to do so in part may mean that Gramola Lab will not be able to meet your requests and, consequently, Gramola Lab will be relieved of all liability for non-provision or incomplete provision of the requested services.

The personal data provided by the User Gramola Lab must be up-to-date so that the information in the records is up-to-date and error-free. The User will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided.


Children under the age of 14 may not transfer their personal data to Gramola Lab. without the prior consent of their parents and / or legal guardians.

If Gramola Lab detects that the user is under the age of 14, it reserves the right to request a copy of its DNI or equivalent identity document, or, if applicable, the authorization of its parents and / or or legal guardians, causing termination in the event of failure to prove compliance with this requirement or lack of response.

What security measures does the company have in place?

Gramola Lab informs that the processing of personal data is carried out at all times in accordance with the applicable regulations on data protection and information society services.

Gramola Lab has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures that guarantee the security of the User's personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, treatment and / or unauthorized access in accordance with the state of the art, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or from the physical or natural environment, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations.

Social networks

Gramola Lab has profiles on social networks in order to publish and disseminate information about the services provided through the website, interact with users and offer the channel of attention and social interaction.

The following are the social networks in which Gramola Lab has an open profile:

– Instagram

– Facebook